First a commercial for myself:
The second installment of the Barbary Pirate fantasy “The Horse Market at El Borak’ is up at Silver Blade Quarterly at: http://serials.silverblade.net/
The second installment at my fiction blog Tales from the Wordcave.
Of the ‘FAE NOIR” mystery “Farewell my Fairy.” Staring Galen Riske, PI.
Read it at thewordcave.wordpress.com.
And now ladies and gentlemen I’d like to introduce Author Dawne Prochilo to you all.
1) Were you an avid reader as a child? What type of books did you enjoy reading?
Yes I was, all through my early childhood and high school years I was reading. During my high school life, you'd find me in the library every chance I had. I don't remember what books I read in my early childhood but I remember in junior high school the first book I was totally enthralled with was Scott O'Dells' Island of the Blue Dolphins. Later I developed a passion for VC Andrews, Sandra Brown and any typical romance I could get my hands on.
2) What is the best part of the writing process for you?
When I come to the end of a chapter and it starts falling into place. I use an outline but don't always follow it. I tend to tweak it along the way. But my favorite part is when I finish the novel and have developed a relationship with the characters. You acquire an attachment or bond with them.
3) The worst part?
Interruptions are the worst. I hide away in my makeshift office area and write but even though people can hear the keyboard being tapped away at- they tend to be oblivious to it. When I'm working on a scene and on a roll is when someone needs me and it's hard to get back into the mode of creating. You write when the mood strikes not nine to five.
4) Favourite author/s & book/s?
My favorite authors have always been Stuart Woods, James Patterson, Janet Evanovich and Robert B. Parker but have recently expanded my readinggenre to erotic and love Jaci Burton, Kresley Cole and Robin Kaye.
5) Tell us a bit about your latest book, and what inspired you to write such a story?
While on a family vacation years ago we were in Central Florida, the atmosphere, location and circumstances started me thinking about the storyline. Once I had the general concept, my creativity took over and Crape Myrtle was born. The title came from the flowers that are native to the area.
6) Does magic figure in your life like it does for you characters in the book?
No it doesn't. I've always been fascinated with the Wiccan ways but have never myself practiced. I am an avid reader and find the belief intriguing. I've always wanted to instill the topic into one of my novels and it fit perfectly into this one.
7) Tease us with a blurb/short except
(Sadie Callaghan, a elf-proclaimed intuitive and healer and an ancestor of a Wiccan finds herself at the center of hate crimes as the victim and suspect in various other offenses. Under tight security by the sheriff Sadie needs to prove her innocence before she becomes he victim.
Sadie an local religious leaders verbally dispute almost daily. It isn’t until Sadie’s life is threatened and she’s injured that her life becomes in dire straits. Can she save herself? Or will she have to rely on he sheriff who doesn’t believe her to be a victim?)
Sadie Callaghan turned the shower faucet handles to the on position. Water spilled out and the steam rose over her head. The sun was beating down on her and combined with the water vapor; a halo effect was created over her blonde tendrils.
Sadie reveled in her outside shower. She could bathe under the sunlight or the full moon if she so chose. Once the water temperature was suitable, Sadie removed her silk amethyst thigh-length robe. The blaze of the sun radiated against her golden tanned skin. Hanging the robe over the wooden privacy fence she stepped under the sultry water.
Letting the shower water sluice over her body, Sadie prepared her soapy loofah sponge. She poured an adequate amount of lavender scented body gel onto the sponge and lathered it into a fury of bubbles and foam. Massaging the suds across her body and producing a froth of lavender bouquet, Sadie’s mind wandered as she mechanically bathed her body.
Gecko lizards watched from their perch, eyes darted to and fro as if they were watchdogs waiting to pounce on an intruder. The lizards observed the surrounding area of Sadie and her enclosed outside shower. Their little eyes were forever moving. They ran from end to end of the wooden privacy fence. They darted across the top of the enclosure and stopped at a second’s notice.
The Geckos were native to Florida and many called Sadie’s backyard home. A refuge for all living creatures. Most just came and stayed. It was a known truism among everyone that creatures resided in Sadie’s realm.
She bathed under the early morning hazy sunshine lathering her blonde locks in a homemade herbal shampoo and rinsed. She conditioned her hair with eucalyptus and milkweed oils then moisturized her bronzed skin with a preheated mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.
She continued her morning regimen with the Geckos watching in curiosity. Their heads tilted on occasion when Sadie moved in a unique way. Their curiosity was forever unsatisfied.
By the time Sadie turned off the faucets and reached for her towel, dozens of Geckos had lined the top border of the enclosure.
8) Did your book require a lot of research?
As far as the Wiccan, yes. I researched many reliable websites and books. I didn't rely on just one informational aspect either- I doubled checked the content and made sure it was consistent before I used it. As for police procedural, I asked my husband who was a sheriff's deputy for many years. He filled in the gaps for me when I was suffering from correct phrasing and procedures.
9)What is your favorite attribute of the hero and heroine?
For the heroine, Sadie Callaghan, it would be her independence and dedication to her religious beliefs. She's strong-willed and determined but has a softer side too. She can be passionate and enjoys life despite what she's up against.
My hero, Walt Malone, is committed to his career and refuses to let his personal feelings for Sadie intrude in on the investigation. His determination is evident but his sensitive side shows through with his feelings for Sadie.
11). Do you have another book in the works? Would you like to tell readers about your current or future projects
I just finished my third novel called When We Meet Again. It's a novel about a second chance at love. Two best friends from high school never have the chance to express their love for each other until decades later. You get as glimpse into each of their lives, trials and tribulations and finally cheer for their love.
12).Where would you like your career to be in 5 years?
I'd like to have at least four more books published and live as privately as I am now. My mind is always churning away with story lines and plots and I'd love to be able to put them all on paper for others to enjoy.
13). Where can we find you?
I'm at http://dawneprochilo.blogspot.com, http://romancewritersbehavingbadly.blogspot.com and on facebook and myspace. My books can be purchased on Amazon and at www.internationalagora.com.