More news from the Wordcave:
I did a spot on MTV, a tv pilot called BOB and teaching sword to many students. And am in the final edits of Deadline Zombies: the Adventures of Maxi and Moxie!
My western mystery story The Appointment is to be published in an upcoming issue of Six Gun Western Magazine and the Dr. Shadows 1930s swashbuckling action tale “The Tiger and the Wolf” will be in a future issue of Thrilling Adventures Magazine!
And last but not least:
The sixth installment of my Fae Noir mystery : “Farwell my Fairy” is up at my fiction blog thewordcave.wordpress.com. In this chapter our hero Galen Riske finds a new friend in Faetown, and gets the lay of the land—so to speak……….Stop by and let me know what you think..