Lots of news:
A great DEAL!!!
For the month of June my new collection Deadline Zombies: the Adventures of Maxi and Moxie is out from BooksforaBuck.com and for this month only you can download the pdf for only ONE DOLLAR! Next month it goes up on Amazon/Fictionwise and elsewhere for print and e versions.
Deadline Zombies :Chasing a headline is just a job for ace reporter Moxie Donnovan, but sometimes those headlines turn on him and bite. Moxie, along with his sexy better half, Maxi (a theater and film actor) face a tiger-sized panther, mechanical gunmen who support the master race, Irish Fae with the urge to pay Moxie back for the loot his grandfather took from them, murder and a hypnotist intent on re-filming Ben Hur.
My second book for Eternal Press “The Traveler’s Tale” book goes live on the website eternalpress.com biz at 12:01 am tonight.
When Korvan Orm decided to live among the Pyrrans he was not prepared for the hatred so many felt for his people The Travelers. Nor was he prepared to fall in love but when two thugs try to beat the Gypsy out of him he is saved by the timely arrival of Avorra, Princess of the Realm.
Suddenly he finds himself smitten with feelings he has no right to feel in a society that considers him an outcast. They are feelings that could get him killed.
Can the Traveler find a way to court the intriguing Princess and avoid the black arts of the visiting Prince Gregor or is this Traveler’s Tale going have a lonely ending?
The print version should be showing up at online stores like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Chapters/Indigo within this next week. Kindle editions are up and should be live by launch hour Monday June 7. \