Pro Se Productions, an innovative publisher of Genre Fiction, announces its latest Pro Se Single Shot Signature Series. Award winning author Teel James Glenn brings his sense of adventure and Pulp to his own Pro Se Single Shot Signature series with the debut of The Adventures of Dr. Shadows!
Dr. Shadows, whose skin was an ashen grey from the herbal baths that cured him of devastating injuries is a master of the ancient mind and martial arts of Korea and fights the forces of evil in the world of the 1930s. And now Teel James Glenn brings us Shadows’ tales of action and intrigue as stand alone short stories in his new digital single series from Pro Se Productions!
“Teel James Glenn,” says Tommy Hancock, Editor in Chief of and Partner in Pro Se Productions, “is that rare author – and Pro Se Productions is happy to have a few of these rarities – who can take the best from the era of classic Pulp Fiction and imbibe it with his own voice and make something simultaneously nostalgic and new in many ways. Dr. Shadows transcends homage within the first few paragraphs and it’s all adventure and Teel James Glenn from that point forward.”
When an archaeologist is murdered in Hong Kong, A valuable medallion stolen and members of an archeological expedition menaced it is time for the amazing granite man, Dr. Shadows to get on the trail of a fiendish, clever killer.
The trail of death takes Dr. Shadows far out to sea on the luxury liner the Queen of Japan bound for San Francisco. Can the granite man find the killer before he kills again? And what is the secret of the mysterious Eye of Darkness medallion that seems to drive men mad? Find out in The Eye of Darkness, the first short story in the Pro Se Single Shot Signature Series –The Adventures of Dr. Shadows- by Teel James Glenn!
The Adventures of Dr. Shadows- The Eye of Darkness features fantastic cover art and logo design by Jeff Hayes and digital formatting by Russ Anderson. The first short story in this new series is now available for Kindle at http://tinyurl.com/ll299rt and for most other digital formats at http://tinyurl.com/l3y7cqg for only 99 cents.
For interviews with the author or more information on the Pro Se Single Shots Signatures, contact Morgan McKay, Pro Se’s Director of Corporate Operations, at directorofcorporateoperations@prose-press.com.
For more information on Pro Se Productions, go to www.prose-press.com. Like Pro Se on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ProSeProductions. |
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